1988년 7월 31일에 시행된 국가직(행자부) 7급 공무원 시험 영어 기출문제입니다.

1. Choose the one sound that is different.
 ① orphanage
 ② hemisphere
 ③ physics
 ④ shepherd
 ⑤ microphone

2. 다음 중 서로의 관계가 틀린 것 하나는 ?
 ① pronounce - pronounciation
 ② suspect - suspicion
 ③ govern - government
 ④ expose - exposure
 ⑤ endure - endurance

3. " Thank you very much." 에 대한 응답으로 적당치 않은 것은 ?
 ① Certainly
 ② I am, too.
 ③ You're welcome.
 ④ Don't mention it.
 ⑤ Not at all.

[4-5]Choose the one whose meaning is closest to the underlined.
4. The intricate directions were difficult to understand .
 ① vague
 ② unusual
 ③ routine
 ④ complicated
 ⑤ historic

5. Helen mocked John's awkward marriage proposal.
 ① rejected
 ② accepted
 ③ praised
 ④ scorned
 ⑤ admired

[6-10] Choose the best word or phrase for each blank.
6. They are often so humble that they seldom mention their past work experience and give too poor ______ of their real ability.
 ① implication
 ② assumption
 ③ integrity
 ④ suppression
 ⑤ assessment

7. The human spirit is used to beautify life, to extract its essence and perhaps to help it ______ and pain inevitable in the world of our senses.
 ① show a variety of symptom
 ② prevail the feelings of hostility
 ③ reduce expenses
 ④ overcome ugliness
 ⑤ expect fame

8. What other interests do you have, ______ listening to music ?
 ① besides
 ② without
 ③ aside
 ④ except
 ⑤ beside

9. The retired old general _____ his son's great accomplishment in the field of nuclear science.
 ① is pride in
 ② is proud of
 ③ has the pride for
 ④ is proud at
 ⑤ has a pride within

10. Hawthorne and Poe _______ in the development of American short story.
 ① who were leaders
 ② they were leaders
 ③ were both leaders
 ④ who as leaders
 ⑤ and both leaders were

[11-15] Choose the best word or phrase for each blank.
11. This was a bad year for us on the farm. Crops were poor, and money was scarce; so Kim decided that this might be the right time to make _______.
 ① a harvest
 ② a fortune
 ③ a change
 ④ an investment
 ⑤ a success

12. History is rewritten to each succeeding generation. Not only does the content increase, but the interpretation of past events is forever _____.
 ① unchanged
 ② fixed
 ③ changing
 ④ traditional
 ⑤ rotating

13. " Don't speak too loud. The ceremony has just started."
    " Look, the flag is ______ now. "
 ① rose
 ② raising
 ③ risen
 ④ being raised
 ⑤ being risen

14. My uncle was certainly not a friendly man, for as he walked down the street he seldom returned his neighbor's ________.
 ① gifts
 ② tears
 ③ loans
 ④ remarks
 ⑤ greetings

15. The Romans were not imaginative in their sculpture or their painting. Their works of art were __________.
 ① carefully preserved for their posterity
 ② based on the art of other peoples.
 ③ highly original in design
 ④ very skillfully executed
 ⑤ spread to many foreign countries

16. His doctor suggested that he _______ a short leave of absence.
 ① will take
 ② would take
 ③ take
 ④ took
 ⑤ has taken

17. Mr. Kim has a good ____ of the English language.
 ① grades
 ② practice
 ③ conversation
 ④ learn
 ⑤ command

18. I will employed the young man ____ they say is a fluent speaker of English.
 ① that
 ② who
 ③ which
 ④ whom
 ⑤ for whom

19. Choose the one correct sentence.
 ① He objected to being punished.
 ② I look forward to see you again.
 ③ I am no ashamed of to be poor.
 ④ I remember calling on him tomorrow.
 ⑤ I have enjoyed to read this novel.

20. Choose the best Korean version.
  Freedom in democracy does not mean merely that everyone is free to do whatever he likes, for freedom always brings responsibility with it.
 ① 민주주의에 있어서 자유는 모든 사람들이 원하는 무엇이나 해도 좋다는 것을 단순히 의미하는 것은 아니다. 왜냐하면, 자유는 항상 책임을 수반하기 때문이다.
 ② 민주주의에 있어서 자유는 누구나 원하는 일을 할 수 있지만 그는 항상 책임을 져야 한다.
 ③ 민주주의에 있어서 자유는 누구나 원하는 무엇이든 할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 왜냐하면, 자유는 항상 책임과 함께 오기 때문이다.
 ④ 민주주의에 있어서 자유는 모든 사람에게 주어지지 않는다. 왜냐하면, 자유는 반드시 책임을 수반하기 때문이다.
 ⑤ 민주주의에 있어서 자유는 누구에게나 원하는 사람에게 주어진다. 왜냐하면, 모두가 책임을 질 수 있기 때문이다.

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