1994년 4월 24일에 시행한 국가직 (행자부) 9급 공무원 시험 영어 기출문제입니다.
* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1-2]
Wild horse do
not need shoes to be able to run fast. But for work horses, shoes are necessary
because the hard roads along which they are driven will otherwise wear away the
horn of the hoof and the hoofs become dry and unhealthy through lack of moisture. On their native pastures, the wild horses bathe their feet every morning in the dew of the grass and the moisture soaks into the horn of the hoofs, and keeps them healthy and tough. Dew is a good ointment for the hoofs of horses and it has been found than horses which are kept at night in dewy fields have such healthy hoofs that they can do a great deal of work without shoes. But as long as horses continue to be driven or ridden along hard roads and stoney streets, they will need iron shes. |
① Their hoofs will be worn out.
② They will run fast.
③ Their hoofs will be healthier.
④ They can do a great deal of work.
wear away – 닳게 하다, 상하게 하다.
hoof – 발굽.
pasture – 목장, 목초지.
dew – 이슬.
soak – 스며들다.
ointment – 연고.
as long as - ~하는 한.
hoof – 발굽.
pasture – 목장, 목초지.
dew – 이슬.
soak – 스며들다.
ointment – 연고.
as long as - ~하는 한.
2. What should be done to horses at night ?
① Let them stay in their stable.
② Let them play in the water.
③ Let them run on the hard roads.
④ Let them roam on the grass.
① stable – 마구간
④ roam – (정처 없이) 돌아다니다, 방랑하다, 배회하다.
④ roam – (정처 없이) 돌아다니다, 방랑하다, 배회하다.
* 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분과 가장 뜻이 가까운 것을 골라라. [[3-5]
3. He tried to join the army but was turned down.
① employed
② rejected
③ delayed
④ participated in
turn down – 거절하다, 물리치다.
④ participated in – 참여하다, 관계하다.
④ participated in – 참여하다, 관계하다.
4. When I called him names, he lost his temper.
① answered quickly
② got angry
③ lost his sight
④ became cool
lose one’s temper – 화를 내다.
5. How did you come by this book ?
① borrow
② study
③ read
④ obtain
come by - ~을 얻다, 입수하다(obtain / acquire), ~와 마주치다, ~에 들르다(call at), 지나치다.
6. 밑줄 친 부분의 발음이 서로 다른 것은 ?
① tough - muff
② though - no
③ good - put
④ blind - promise
7. A 와 B 의 뜻을 함께 지니고 있는 낱말은 ?
A: a hard growth on an animal's head. B: a kind of musical instrument. |
② horse
③ hair
④ horn
A: 동물의 머리 위에 단단하게 자란 것.
B: 음악악기의 한 종류.
① hawk – 매
B: 음악악기의 한 종류.
① hawk – 매
8. 다음 영문에서 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 것은 ?
This is a science which explains how living things work and describes and classifies plants, animals, and other forms of life. |
② Zoology
③ Botany
④ Chemistry
① Biology – 생물학.
② Zoology – 동물학.
③ Botany – 식물학.
④ Chemistry – 화학
② Zoology – 동물학.
③ Botany – 식물학.
④ Chemistry – 화학
다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하여라. [9-10]
The food in Mexican sometimes surprises tourists. It can be very , very spicy. Mexican cooks use a special kind of pepper. This pepper is so spicy it almost _____ your mouth. But most people start to like the spices after a while. They learn to like Mexican food very much. |
① Mexico
② Mexican food
③ Mexican people
④ Tourists in Mexico
10. 빈칸에 알맞은 것은 ?
① speaks
② paints
③ burns
④ covers
③ burn – (혀 따위를) 얼얼하게 하다.
11. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
_______ present at the party were surprised at the President's appearance.
① This
② That
③ These
④ Those
12. 다음 대화에서 빈칸에 알맞은 것은 ?
A: Excuse me. ___________. B: You are
near Seoul Station. A: Really ? Thank you. B: You're welcome. |
② Where am I ?
③ Where is here ?
④ Where are you ?
13. 주어진 문장의 내용이 뜻하는 것은 ?
You should have attended the meeting.
① It is natural that you didn't attend the meeting.
② It is a pity that you didn't attend the meeting.
③ You must have attended the meeting.
④ It is a matter for regret that you attended the meeting.
너는 그 모임에 참석했어야 했다.
① 네가 그 모임에 참석하지 않은 것은 당연한 일이다.
② 네가 그 모임에 참여하지 않았다니 유감이다.
③ 너는 그 모임에 참석했어야만 했다.
④ 네가 그 모임에 참석했던 것은 유감스러운 일이다.
① 네가 그 모임에 참석하지 않은 것은 당연한 일이다.
② 네가 그 모임에 참여하지 않았다니 유감이다.
③ 너는 그 모임에 참석했어야만 했다.
④ 네가 그 모임에 참석했던 것은 유감스러운 일이다.
14. 문법적으로 잘못된 것은 ?
① I hadn't hardly any breakfast, but I am not hungry now.
② If it rains next Sunday, the party will be put off.
③ Korea is not what she was.
④ Ten years have passed since the war was over.
15. 의미상으로 밑줄 친 곳에 가장 적합한 것은?
Camels are useful beasts of burden in many parts of the world. They furnish people with meat and milk for food with hair for weaving cloth. But the camel is not very easily trained, and often has a bad disposition. It is not loved by its owner , although it is of great ________. |
② height
③ size
④ weight
burden – 짐 나르기.
furnish – 제공하다.
disposition – 기질, 성질, 습성.
furnish – 제공하다.
disposition – 기질, 성질, 습성.
* 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하라.[16-17]
A: My daughter is going to college. B: That's great, but it must be expensive. A: Yes, but she has a grant. B: A grant ? What's grant ? A: The government is giving her money. B: To pay for her education. A: That's right. B: Does it pay for everything ? A: No, she has a loan, too. B: What's the difference between a loan and a grant ? A: You have to _____ a loan: a grant is a gift. |
① pay back
② ask for
③ apply for
④ call for
grant – 보조금, 기부금.
17. 대화의 내용으로 보아 Speaker A 의 심정은 ?
① ashamed
② impatient
③ angry
④ proud
18. 다음 관계에서 빈칸에 알맞은 것은 ?
A : B = C : D vice : virtue = pessimism : _______. |
② communism
③ practice
④ theory
vice – 악덕, 부도덕.
19. 다음 두 개의 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 괄호 안에 알맞은 것은 ?
I can't understand what you want. =I can't make ( ) what you want. |
② up
③ after
④ over
① make out – 이해하다.
② make up – 구성하다, 조제하다, 화장하다.
③ make after - ~을 추적하다(pursue)
④ make over - ~을 고쳐 만들다, (재산 등)을 양도하다, 이관하다.
② make up – 구성하다, 조제하다, 화장하다.
③ make after - ~을 추적하다(pursue)
④ make over - ~을 고쳐 만들다, (재산 등)을 양도하다, 이관하다.
20. 다음 대화에서 밑줄 친 곳에 적당한 것은 ?
“ Will you go home
this weekend ? " " No, and _______________. |
② neither will Tom
③ So won't Tom
④ Tom won't too.
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