2001년 3월 11일에 시행한 경찰직 공무원 시험 영어 기출문제입니다.
1. 다음 중 철자가 잘못된 것은 ?① argument - calendar - schedule
② elevater - opponant - profesor
③ beggar - bicycle - alibi
④ emphasis - campaign - etiquette
2. 다음 중 연결이 맞지 않는 것은 ?
① HAND OFF - 들어가지 마시오
② NO CREDIT - 신용카드 사절
③ NO PASS - 통행금지
3. 다음 중 but 의 용법이 보기와 같은 것은 ?
There is nothing for it but to obey.
① There is nobody but has his fault.
② No one but her would do so.
③ She would have failed but that he helped her.
④ She heard the news but now.
4. 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 단어는 ?
The existence of evil is a proof of the existence of God. If the world consisted wholly and uniquely of goodness and righteousness, there would be no need for God, for the world itself would be God. God is because ______ is. |
② God
③ goodness
④ evil
5. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것은 ?
Please leave a word ____ my secretary, if you know the new.
① to
② for
③ with
④ in
6. 다음 대화가 이루어지는 장소는 ?
A: Do you have anything to declare ? B: I beg you pardon ? A: Are you bringing in any items on which you must pay duty ? B: Not at all. |
② 백화점
③ 공항세관
④ 관광안내소
7. 다음 밑줄 친 곳에 알맞은 단어는?
The judge ruled that the police ______ defendant making a false confession to the crime. |
② indicted
③ coerced
④ compressed
8. 다음 우리말을 영작한 것 중 옳은 것은 ?
한국의 인구는 필리핀의 인구보다 훨씬 많다. |
② The population of Korea is much larger than that of the Philippines.
③ Korea people are much more than Philippine people.
④ The population of Korea is much bigger than those of the Philippine.
9. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 단어는 ?
He was late for work so many times that the boss had no _________ but to fire him.
① alternative
② altercate
③ trouble
④ inept
10. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것은 ?
A: Why do they clear all the equipment away ? B: The job _________, they are packing up to leave. |
② done
③ did
④ was did
11. ‘내일 어떤 일이 일어날지 알 수 없다‘ 의 올바른 영작은 ?
① It is impossible to say what happens tomorrow.
② There is no saying what will happen tomorrow.
③ It is an impossible saying that what will happen tomorrow.
④ Nobody know what will be happening tomorrow.
12. 다음 문장이 옳지 않은 것은 ?
그녀를 보면 언제나 죽은 누님이 생각난다.
① I never see her but I remind of my dead sister.
② I never see her but I thought of my dead sister.
③ I never see her without being reminded of my dead sister.
④ I never see her without thinking of my dead sister.
13. 다음 중 틀린 것은 ?
① May I take your order ?
=무엇을 드시겠습니까 ?
② How long have you been in Korea ?
=한국에 오신지 얼마나 되셨어요 ?
③ Please come by all means.
=꼭 오세요
④ How do you think of him ?
=그에 대하여 어떻게 생각하십니까 ?
14. 다음을 읽고 알맞은 답을 구하시오[14-15]
You bought a pair of shoes the day before, but realizing that you don't really like them, you take them to the same shop. |
① Can I help you ?
② I would like to buy new shoes, please.
③ Could you reconsider the terms of my contract ?
④ Could I return these shoes and get a refund ?
15. At a bar near your work place, officemate offer to buy you another drink , but you don't really want to drink any more because you have to drive back home.
-What would you say to your colleague ?
① Thank you for your offer.
② Thanks a lot, but I have to be going, you know.
③ Nonsense. I can get on myself.
④ How much do you need ?
16. 다음 빈곳에 알맞게 짝지어진 것은 ?
The public expects the police and the law courts to enforced the law ______ and punished lawbreakers. But these cannot do an effective job unless they have the full support of the ________. |
② partially - government
③ impartially -police
④ impartially - people
* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오[17-18]
My aunt is never happy when she had to wait in line, and people who try to squeeze in front are a special sore point with her. One day a young man at the supermarket stepped up to her just as she reached the checkout counter : “_______ ?” he asked. " I just have this one can of dog food." Goodness!, no." she said. " If you are that hungry, go right ahead!" |
① Mind if I go ahead ?
② May I before you ?
③ Can I go before you ?
④ May I go ahead ?
18. 숙모가 청년을 대하는 태도는 ?
① tolerate
② sympathetic
③ cynical
④ moderate
19. 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 것은 ?
Despite what seemed like incontrovertible evidence, Miss White maintained she had not committed the fraud.
① irregular
② indisputable
③ incongruent
④ unqualified
20. 다음 글을 순서대로 나타낸 것은 ?
ⓐ It is caused by factories that burn coal, oil or gas. ⓑ These factories send smoke high into the air. ⓒ Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. ⓓ The wind often carries the smoke far from these factories. |
② c - d -a - b
③ c - a - b - d
④ d - c -b - a
1.② 2.① 3.② 4.④ 5. ① 6.③ 7.③ 8.② 9.① 10.② 11.② 12.① 13.④ 14.④ 15.② 16.④ 17.① 18.③ 19.② 20.③ |
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